
Estreno en Prime Video Ya disponible en Prime Video
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    Prisma is a coming-of-age drama series centred on the complex relationship among identity, aspirations, physical appearance, and sexual orientations in a group of teenagers from Latina, a small town in the Roman province. The series tells the story of twin brothers Marco and Andrea (played by Mattia Carrano), identical to all appearances, but profoundly different in the turmoil they face. Their journey of self-discovery will be both joyful and unruly and will involve their whole group of friends, as they are all trying to find their place in an ever-changing world. 

    Prisma is an eight episode series directed by Ludovico Bessegato, written by  Bessegato and Alice Urciuolo, and featuring a cast of young actors, including, besides Mattia Carrano, Lorenzo Zurzolo, Caterina Forza, Chiara Bordi, LXX Blood, Matteo Scattaretico, Zakaria Hamza, Riccardo Afan de Rivera Costaguti, Flavia del Prete, Asia Patrignani, Elena Falvella Capodaglio, Andrea Giannini, and Nico Guerzoni. 

Contactos de prensa
Nicola Fiorentino
Glenda Manzetto
Países disponibles


Creado por

Ludovico Bessegato, Alice Urciuolo

Dirigida por

Ludovico Bessegato

Producida por

Cross Productions


Mattia Carrano, Lorenzo Zurzolo, Caterina Forza, Chiara Bordi, LXX Blood, Matteo Scattaretico, Zakaria Hamza, Riccardo Afan de Rivera Costaguti, Flavia del Prete, Asia Patrignani, Elena Falvella Capodaglio, Andrea Giannini, Nico Guerzoni


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Descripción del programa

Prisma is a coming-of-age drama series centred on the complex relationship among identity, aspirations, physical appearance, and sexual orientations in a group of teenagers from Latina, a small town in the Roman province. The series tells the story of twin brothers Marco and Andrea (played by Mattia Carrano), identical to all appearances, but profoundly different in the turmoil they face. Their journey of self-discovery will be both joyful and unruly and will involve their whole group of friends, as they are all trying to find their place in an ever-changing world. 

Prisma is an eight episode series directed by Ludovico Bessegato, written by  Bessegato and Alice Urciuolo, and featuring a cast of young actors, including, besides Mattia Carrano, Lorenzo Zurzolo, Caterina Forza, Chiara Bordi, LXX Blood, Matteo Scattaretico, Zakaria Hamza, Riccardo Afan de Rivera Costaguti, Flavia del Prete, Asia Patrignani, Elena Falvella Capodaglio, Andrea Giannini, and Nico Guerzoni. 


Produced by
Cross Productions

Created by
Ludovico Bessegato
Alice Urciuolo

Directed by
Ludovico Bessegato

Written by
Ludovico Bessegato
Alice Urciuolo

Mattia Carrano, Lorenzo Zurzolo, Caterina Forza, Chiara Bordi, LXX Blood, Matteo Scattaretico, Zakaria Hamza, Riccardo Afan de Rivera Costaguti, Flavia del Prete, Asia Patrignani, Elena Falvella Capodaglio, Andrea Giannini, Nico Guerzoni

  • Créditos

    Produced by
    Cross Productions

    Created by
    Ludovico Bessegato
    Alice Urciuolo

    Directed by
    Ludovico Bessegato

    Written by
    Ludovico Bessegato
    Alice Urciuolo

    Mattia Carrano, Lorenzo Zurzolo, Caterina Forza, Chiara Bordi, LXX Blood, Matteo Scattaretico, Zakaria Hamza, Riccardo Afan de Rivera Costaguti, Flavia del Prete, Asia Patrignani, Elena Falvella Capodaglio, Andrea Giannini, Nico Guerzoni