The Red Virgin

Coming to Prime Video On TBD
  • About

    The Red Virgin is a film based on a true story that mixes historic drama, romance, thriller and a splash of true crime, which will start principal photography in Madrid this summer. The Red Virgin is directed by Paula Ortiz (The Bride, De tu ventana a la mía), produced by María Zamora from Elástica Film and Stefan Schmitz from Avalon. The script has been written by Eduard Sola and Clara Roquet.

    The Red Virgin is conceived and educated by her mother Aurora to be the woman of the future, becoming one of the most brilliant minds in Spain in the 1930s and one of Europe's leading referents on female sexuality. At 18, Hildegart begins to experience freedom and meets Abel Velilla, who helps her to explore a new emotional world, and to break away from her mother's iron nest. Aurora fears losing control over her daughter, and does everything she can to prevent Hildegart from moving away. The two women clash on a summer night in 1933 putting an end to the “Hildegart Project".

Press Contacts
Alexandra Cortesía
Country Availability


Executive Produced By

María Zamora, Stefan Schmitz

Directed By

Paula Ortiz

Produced By

Elástica Films, Avalon

Written By

Eduard Sola, Clara Roquet


Najwa Nimri, Alba Planas, Aixa Villagrán, Patrick Criado, Pepe Viyuela


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Show Description

The Red Virgin is a film based on a true story that mixes historic drama, romance, thriller and a splash of true crime, which will start principal photography in Madrid this summer. The Red Virgin is directed by Paula Ortiz (The Bride, De tu ventana a la mía), produced by María Zamora from Elástica Film and Stefan Schmitz from Avalon. The script has been written by Eduard Sola and Clara Roquet.

The Red Virgin is conceived and educated by her mother Aurora to be the woman of the future, becoming one of the most brilliant minds in Spain in the 1930s and one of Europe's leading referents on female sexuality. At 18, Hildegart begins to experience freedom and meets Abel Velilla, who helps her to explore a new emotional world, and to break away from her mother's iron nest. Aurora fears losing control over her daughter, and does everything she can to prevent Hildegart from moving away. The two women clash on a summer night in 1933 putting an end to the “Hildegart Project".


Produced by
Elástica Films, Avalon 

Executive Produced by 
María Zamora, Stefan Schmitz

Directed by
Paula Ortiz 

Written by
Eduard Sola, Clara Roquet

Najwa Nimri, Alba Planas, Aixa Villagrán, Patrick Criado, Pepe Viyuela

  • Credits

    Produced by
    Elástica Films, Avalon 

    Executive Produced by 
    María Zamora, Stefan Schmitz

    Directed by
    Paula Ortiz 

    Written by
    Eduard Sola, Clara Roquet

    Najwa Nimri, Alba Planas, Aixa Villagrán, Patrick Criado, Pepe Viyuela