Cast Detail: Chelsea Phaire

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Chelsea Phaire

Hero - Danbury, CT

  • Chelsea Phaire
  • Chelsea Phaire

    Hero - Danbury, CT

    Chelsea Phaire is a fifth grader who founded Chelsea’s Charity last year, a self-funded organization that donates art supplies to children in need. She assembles kits of crayons, markers, paints, paintbrushes, smocks and sketchpads then distributes them to homeless shelters, underprivileged schools, and schools affected by gun violence. Because of COVID-19, Phaire is unable to deliver the supplies in person; however, she has begun mailing out the kits and has sent over 1,500 so far to kids across the country. Art is Chelsea’s outlet for dealing with her emotions, and she wants to make sure that everyone like her has access to art supplies during this trying time.

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